Tax Rates


The City of Monroe City collects sales taxes on all taxable items subject to Monroe sales tax as determine by the Missouri Department of Revenue.  The taxes are used for:

The current City sales tax rate is 2.00%.  A break-down of where this 2.00% is spent is as shown below:

1%…..General support of the City
.5%…..Purchase of Capital Expenditures
.5%…..Parks & Recreation

Note:  The .5% Capital Expenditures Tax and the .5% Parks & Recreation Tax are not applied to residential utilities.

The Total Sales Tax Rate for Monroe City is as follows:

Monroe County……..8.225%
Marion County………8.600%
Ralls County………….9.225%


The City of Monroe City has contracted with Monroe, Marion & Ralls Counties to collect property taxes on all real and personal property held by residential and commercial property owners in Monroe City.  The taxes are used for:

General Support of the City
Support of the Library

The City’s current property tax for 2016 is $.9182 per $100 of assessed valuation.  A breakdown of where this tax rate is shown below:


$.7202…..General support of the City
$.1913….Support of the Library

Property owners in Monroe County in the west part of Monroe City that were annexed  into the City after October 13, 1963, pay only the $.7202 rate to the City.  They also pay $.1563 to the Monroe County Library.  All other property owners pay both the $.7202 and $.1913 to the City.

The total tax rates per $100 of assessed valuation in Monroe City for 2016 are as follows:

Monroe County…………………………….$6.4373
Monroe County Mosswood Area…….$6.2460
Marion County……………………………..$6.2300
Ralls County…………………………………$5.9878

Contact telephone numbers for the County Clerks are:

Monroe County……..660-327-5106
Marion County………573-769-2549
Ralls County………… 573-985-7111